Upgrading Components

The only AngularJS 1.x components that can be upgraded and used in Angular code are those that strictly follow the component pattern outlined at the top of this document. Wherever possible use AngularJS 1.5+'s .component.

Here is an AngularJS 1.x directive that conforms to ng-upgrade's "component directive" specification:

  .directive("a1Upgradable", function a1UpgradableDirective() {
    return {
      restrict: "E",
      scope: {},
      bindToController: {},
      controller: Upgradable,
      controllerAs: "a1Upgradable",
      template: `<span>{{ a1Upgradable.message }}</span>`,

class Upgradable {
  message = "I am an AngularJS Directive";

Equivalently this can be written using .component in AngularJS 1.5+:

angular.module("app").component("a1Upgradable", {
  controller: Upgradable,
  template: `<span>{{ a1Upgradable.message }}</span>`,

class Upgradable {
  message = "I am an AngularJS Directive";

Below is an Angular component that will use the upgraded AngularJS directive:

import { upgradeAdapter } from "../upgrade-adapter";
import { A2UsingA1Component } from "./a2-using-a1.component";

  declarations: [
  providers: [],
  imports: [BrowserModule],
export class AppModule {}
import { Component } from "@angular/core";

  selector: "a2-using-a1",
  template: `<p>{{ message }}<a1-upgradable></a1-upgradable></p>`,
export class A2UsingA1Component {
  message = "Angular Using AngularJS: ";

Finally, let AngularJS know about the directive:

import { a1UpgradableDirective } from "./components/a1-upgradable";

// AngularJS Vendor Import
import * as angular from "angular";

// Register classic AngularJS modules
angular.module(APPNAME).directive("a1Upgradable", a1UpgradableDirective);

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